Council Of Ancestors, Sculpture on the Shore 2023. Auckland, NZ. POA. See Description Below.
Cloaked Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Serpentine.
Talking Stick, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Black Granite, POA.
Masked Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Andesite, Agate. POA.
Common Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023 POA
Cook Islands Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Andesite, POA.
Council of Ancestors, 2023.
She IS Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Scottish Red Granite. SOLD.
Easter Island Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Andesite, POA.
Whale, Calf & Plankton Scrimshaw Bowl, 2023. Basalt, Gold Enamel.
Custom pounder for a private collection, 2023. Basalt, Coral, Andesite.
Tradtional Scraper Necklace, 2021. Argillite (pakohe).
Mussel, Pekapeka, Whelk Ring and Tuatua Necklaces, 2023. Pounamu Rings, 2022. Agate, Pounamu, Argillite(pakohe), Australian Black Jade.
Masked Chief, Council of Ancestors, 2023. Andesite, 500 x 140 x 80mm. POA.
Molcajete, 2021. Private Commission. Basalt, 280mm x 120mm.
Cook Islands Ancestor, 2023. Private Commission. Andesite. 240 x 150 x 120mm.
Traditional Scraper and Breastplate, Shark Tooth and Her Toki Necklaces, 2022. Serpentinite, Australian Black Jade, Schist, Nelson Pounamu, Pounamu, Petrified Wood, Agate, Basalt.
Mahe Collection, 2021. Basalt, Marble, Quartzite, Marble, Agate.
Mystery of Eeels, Vessel, 2021. Eels in Relief. Andesite, Metallic Acrylic.
Scraper,Shell and Breastplate Necklaces, 2022. Shell, Andesite, Quartzite, Andesite, Basalt, Gabbro, Red Acrylic.
Mahe or Fishing Anchor Collection, 2021. Marble, Agate, Pakohe, Unknown, Marble. 120-150mm x 40mm.
Nautilus Shell Vessel, 2020. Basalt. 430 x 220 x 360mm.
Sea Sponge Collection, 2022. Basalt, Andesite, Basaltic Andesite, Pakohe, Marble.
Leucettusa Lancifer. 2022. Marble, Gold Enamel. 180 x 140 x 110mm.
Tattoo Bowls, 2023. Basalt, Granite, Sandstone. 100 x 60mm.
Past Works : Current Works
Embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of global artistry. My gallery invites you to explore an array of past treasures that transcend borders and cultures. Delve into the artistry of diverse mortar and pestle styles, hailing from Indonesian craftsmanship to the iconic Mexican molcajete, alongside my own innovative designs like the Duo Bowl with dual grinding surfaces.
My collection extends beyond the traditional, weaving together the world's creativity. Adorn yourself with exquisite handcrafted jewelry, including necklaces intricately braided by the artist, and rings that exude artful elegance. You'll also discover pieces reminiscent of ancient tools, such as scrapers, fishing weights, and Māori mahe, each bearing the timeless allure of historical craftsmanship.
But my exploration doesn't stop there. Enter a realm where seashells, mussels, Tuatua, surf clams, cockles, and PIPI take center stage. Dive deeper into the mysteries of the ocean with shark's teeth, seaweed vesicles, and cherished shell rings. This exhibition transcends boundaries, offering a global tapestry of art and history that will captivate and inspire.
My most recent and largest Collection of works is Council of Ancestors, which was exhibited in Sculpture on the Shore, November 2023, Auckland.
As a body of work, Council of Ancestors, allows us to consider our role as guardians in both our oceanic and whenua based environments. Each ancestor is from a different area of the Pacific Ocean, each drawing upon their own traditions and common ancestral knowledge. If we consider ‘looking back’ to learn and bring this knowledge and reverence forward in how we teach our children, but also in how we can plan and rebuild our current systems to become more caring and accomodating to nature , rather than dominating and owning Earth. We must each remember that we are a part of nature, not apart from nature.
Andesite, collected locally; red and black granite, and serpentine, gifted by Ann Robinson on behalf of the late John Edgar OMNZ. Works stand up to 2300mm tall.